Listening 2 God Blog - Image © Mal Austin -

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Welcome to Listening 2 God blog

Hi and welcome to Listening 2 God blog.

This blog is intended to complement the website - a website for those who want together to learn more about hearing God's voice, and how to recognise the voice of God among the many other voices claiming our attention.

Is it possible to hear God's voice? Since God is a person, who desires intimacy with those who he calls his friends, then of course it is possible. In fact, I believe everybody hears God speaking.The real question is - is it possible to learn to reliably recognise God's voice?

The answer is most definitely YES!

God is not human - God is Spirit. So we would expect that hearing God might be a bit different from hearing another person. But it is not that much different, because humans also are spiritual beings, made in the image of God, and created for communion, and therefore communication, with him. God has built numerous ways into the creation by which we hear him speak. Some of these are:

* Human conscience
* Awe of his created world
* Our spirit can respond to his Spirit
* He can 'speak' thoughts into our mind
* The witness of the Holy Spirit - e.g. inner peace
* He speaks through other people
* Spiritual gifts, such as prophecy, tongues, interpretation of

tongues, wisdom, knowledge, discernment of spirits
* Dreams and visions
* His written word, the Bible
* And the primary revelation of God - his Son Jesus Christ

In addition, God has provided ways for us to test and confirm whether what we are hearing is accurate and really from God. This is because His is not the only voice we might hear. We can, of course, hear our own thoughts, but it is also possible to hear the thoughts of others and of angels and evil spirits.

We have learned a number of effective ways for people to sharpen their spiritual hearing and discernment,

If you would like to learn more about how to hear God's voice, and how to check what you hear, then visit the teaching section of the website, or contact us about a course in Hearing God's Voice. We also run courses on Intercession and Spiritual Warefare, Prayer Ministry, Intimacy with God, and the Creative Spirit.

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