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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Step Out and Prophesy

We just had a seminar in Newport called Step Out and Prophesy with Lynn Moresi of Equiping 2 Serve. It was very similar to the teaching and exercises of our Hearing God's Voice course, and was a great encouragement for people who had never believed that they could prophesy to step out and have a try. The teaching was good and well presented, and the exercises were fun to do. I recommend it to anyone.

The seminar served to provide a safe place for people to practice listening to God's voice. However, I would have been happier if some instruction had been given about how to tell if it really is God's voice that they were hearing. I later queried Lynn about this and she basically said that if we have asked for the Holy Spirit then we can trust that this is what God will give.

This is true, if it is the Holy Spirit we are asking for, but in this case we were asking to hear something. It is fine to expect this to happen in the safe envoronment of a seminar, but what happens when they go out into the world, expecting that every voice they hear is God's. I suggested that as well as God's voice, people can also hear their own thoughts (or even dissociate parts), demons, and other people's spirits. Lynn is not at all happy with this last possibility, but anyone who is familiar with the experience of burden-bearing, or of intercession in general, will know it is a reality.

Still, with this one caveat I thouroughly recommend this seminar if you have an opportunity to do it.

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