Listening 2 God Blog - Image © Mal Austin -

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ministry to Children

This morning Diana and I attended part of the Restoration Conference, where Sandra Rule of Sonrise Family Ministries was speaking about ministering to children. Sandra is always interesting to listen to, and I will share more later about her work, especially about her monthly visits to us at Beth Tephillah Ministry Centre. We and some of our staff are interning with her to learn the special skills needed to help children.

However, what particularly stood out today was the need to be totally reliant on listening to God's voice when ministering to troubled kids and their families. Without the revelation gifts you can do little. Without Jesus you can do nothing!

Some other important points she made include the facts that children do not receive a junior Holy Spirit - he's the full deal; the power of touch when it comes to blessing people; and the fact that Jesus wants to bless people whether they know him or not.

On the first one, it has been our experience, and Sandra mentioned it again today, that some children are being born filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb. They know Jesus at a very young age. We believe this will become more common as the generation who will bring in the Kingdom are born. Our task is to instruct them in how to live in the Spirit and to allow them to do it.

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